Solar System API

Developed for the #DearJrDev Quackathon, Week of March 24th, 2023

API Details


All Stellar Bodies

Endpoint: GET /stellar

Returns the following details:

                    star: [ {
                        "star_id": string,
                        "englishName": string, 
                        "meanRadius": int, mean radius distance in km,
                    planets: [{
                        "planet_id": string,
                        "englishName": string,
                        "meanRadius": float, mean radius in km,
                        "bodyType": enum, "Planet" || "Dwarf Planet",
                        "planetType": enum, "Terrestrial" || "Gas Giant" || "Ice Giant" || "Dwarf",
                        "star_id": "sol" <- this will always be sol, as we only have the one star
                    moons: [{
                        "moon_id": string,
                        "englishName": string,
                        "meanRadius": float, mean radius in km
                        "planet_id": string, the planet this moon orbits


Endpoint: GET /stellar/star

Returns an object containing the following data about STAR:

                    "star_id": string,
                    "englishName": string,
                    "massValue": value in 10^n kg,
                    "massExponent": n value for massValue,
                    "meanRadius": int, mean radius distance in km,


Endpoint: GET /stellar/planets

Returns an array of all planet objects containing the following details for each:

                    "planet_id": string, the id of the planet,
                    "englishName": string, the name of the planet,
                    "meanRadius": float, radius in km,
                    "bodyType": enum, "Dwarf Planet" || "Planet",
                    "planetType": enum, "Terrestrial" || "Gas Giant" || "Ice Giant" || "Dwarf",
                    "star_id": "sol", <- this will always be 'Sol', as we only have one star

Endpoint: GET /stellar/planets/dwarf

As above, but returns an array of all DWARF PLANET objects

Endpoint: GET /stellar/planets/planet

As above, but returns an array of all PLANET objects

Endpoint: GET /stellar/planet/:planet_id

Returns an object with all available details for the specified planet_id.

                    "planet_id": "eris",
                    "englishName": "136199 Eris",
                    "perihelion": furthest distance from the sun in km,
                    "aphelion": neraest distance from the sun in km,
                    "inclination": float, angle in degress of the orbit compared to earths,
                    "massValue": value in 10^n kg,
                    "massExponent": n value for massValue,
                    "gravity": float, gravity measured in m/s^2
                    "meanRadius": float, mean radius in km,
                    "sideralRotation": float, time to rotate fully, in hours,
                    "sideralOrbit": float, time to orbit the sun in days,
                    "discoveredBy": string, the name(s) of this planets discoverers
                    "discoveryDate": string, the date of this planets discovery
                    "bodyType": enum (returns as string), "Planet" || "Dwarf Planet",
                    "planetType": enum, "Terrestrial" || "Gas Giant" || "Ice Giant" || "Dwarf",
                    "star_id": "sol" <- this will always be sol, as we only have the one star


Endpoint: GET /stellar/moons

Returns an array containing the following data about each MOON

                    "moon_id": string,
                    "englishName": string,
                    "meanRadius": int, mean radius distance in km,
                    "planet_id": string, the planet this moon orbits. 

Endpoint: GET /stellar/moons/:planet_id

Returns an array containing data as above for each MOON orbitting the specified :planet_id

Endpoint: GET /stellar/moon/:moon_id

Returns an object containing all data for the specified :moon_id

                    "moon_id": string, the of the moon,
                    "englishName": string, the name of the moon
                    "nameDetail": string, the details about the name of the moon,
                    "perihelion": furthest distance from the planet in km,
                    "aphelion": nearest distance from the planet in km,
                    "inclination": float, angle in degress of the orbit compared to planets equator,
                    "massValue": value in 10^n kg,
                    "massExponent": n value for massValue,
                    "gravity": float, gravity measured in m/s^2
                    "meanRadius": float, mean radius in km,
                    "sideralRotation": float, time to rotate fully, in hours,
                    "sideralOrbit": float, time to orbit the sun in days,
                    "planet_id": string, the planet_id of the planet this moon orbits,
                    "planetEnglishName": string, the english name of the planet this moon orbits,
                    "discoveredBy": string, the name(s) of this moons discoverers,
                    "discoveryDate": string, the date the moon was discovered,
                    "bodyType": "Moon" <- will always be 'Moon'